
Friday, September 24, 2010

Moonlight Sonata

One night, as I walked up my stairs in the dark, I turned around to see the moon creeping into the stairway.  I waited for half an hour or so for the beam to strike RIGHT where I wanted.  Eventually, this is the shot I came up with:

While creating this photo, I began to realize how fun it would be to shoot my subjects strictly using moonlight.  Unfortunately/fortunately here, a street lamp outside assisted with creating another orange box to fight against the moonlight. 

Beginning today, I strive to shoot more photographs using moonlight and creating one or a few posts titled  "Moonlight Sonata" discussing my process.  Any comments are welcome, especially constructive criticism.  Once I begin posting my photos and blogging a little more, I look forward to hearing your comments :]

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember if I told you already, but I really like this picture. I honestly thought the orange box was painted on the wall, it has such sharp lines, I don't think it detracts from the photo, I think it helps! This is a great picture.
