
Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Walk In the Rain

Last weekend, my neighbors went out for an afternoon of good 'ol Napa wine tasting, and asked me to watch over their 10 month old black lab, Shadow.  With a whole afternoon to kill, I decided to take Shadow to the railroad tracks, let her off her leash, and roam freely.  I was warned to wear clothes I didn't particularly care about, but wasn't told why.  I soon found out.  The second I launched her ball down the railroad tracks, she bolted straight through the biggest mud puddle I had seen in a while, casting mud all over the place.  As she returned with the ball, she proceeded to do the same thing, but this time coming towards me.  Before I knew it, muddy paw prints were all over my sweatpants.  

During our walk, a few light showers came down, which created a great atmosphere to capture some photos as the clouds acted as my diffuser.  I managed to grab a few shots during our walk, at home drying off, and on her bed resting.  Check 'em out and let me know what you think!


  1. These pictures make me really sad. I especially liked the dry dog bounding through the puddle, and the B&W eyebrow raised.

  2. Gotta love this series. They don't make me sad, they make me truly reflect on the life of the dog. They are a good photo-essay. In fact, that is what is most appealing -- reading the series as an essay. The portrait shots (one BW, the other color) capture that natural sweetness of the Lab.


  3. Hey Nacho,

    Thomas recently lost his golden retriever, whom I was close to as well, and my photo essay probably brought back memories of his dog :[ RIP Satchmo.

    Thank for your comments once again! I really appreciate your sharing of your perspective!

  4. Great photographs of Shadow. You have really captured Shadow in her element. Great memories. Love the B&W capture.
